So you know me. I am all into YouTube. I watch videos all the time! Well, when I am not working. But you know what I mean. I am a YouTube addict!
I can barely move because we have been rehearsing like crazy. Every single muscle in my body hurts! And badly. When I am not at rehearsal, I am dying in bed. With my laptop! That means I am watching a ton and a half of YouTube videos. Like anyone thinks that is a good enough reason for me to watch hours of YouTube!!!
But glintzy, or Aimee, is another one of those gurus that I like to watch. Aimee does lots of makeup videos. And she has recently started fashion of the day videos. My favorites are her thrift shopping hauls. But Aimee also hosts lots of contests! She is now hosting a big Sigma Brush giveaway! There are 7 big prizes...
I have seen, I don't know how many videos on Sigma brushes. I can't lie, I want some! Real bad!!! But you know, bills get in the way. I have these brushes on my wishlist though! I wish I could enter for the entire set. But you know, I don't make videos. But I am going to enter for set #3. I think I would get the best use out of those. Maybe I can buy a couple of the face brushes later.
If you like Aimee, or want to enter the contest, go check out her channel. She also has a blog and is on twitter. Hurry! Run! You know you want some Sigma Brushes too! ~Tabi
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